As this semester comes to a close it is bittersweet to see this as my last blog post.
I unfortunately got too caught up in studying to help my fellow students with their revisions on their papers. I regret not being able to help my peers help fix up their writings.
I clearly believe that my draft is one of best pieces that I have written this semester. I was able to reference all possible areas. I was able to use personal experience along with quotes and pieces from my previous works this semester. Along with my revisions, I was able to use tips and tricks we learned in class to help me find any mistakes that would help advance my paper. I focused mainly on word replacement, grammar, along with the format and placement of certain ideas and paragraphs throughout the essay.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015
Draft of Open Letter
I would just like my reviewer to know that I am not nearly close to being done with this letter. I am missing a lot of things and will continue to add onto it as the next weeks goes by. I am just starting it off by making a basic response to the prompt and then as the next week goes along, I will be adding onto it to make it better.
Reflecting More on My Writing Experiences
Below I will be reflecting on the past semester as a whole in English 109h
1. What were the biggest challenges you faced this semester, overall?
- The biggest challenge for me this semester was adjusting to a new type of writing style. In the past all I was taught was a more formal style of writing. Where as in 109h this semester I was introduced to more formal article and less formal writing styles.
2. What did you learn this semester about your own time management, writing and editorial skills?
-This semester I learned how to manage how much writing to do at a time as to keep a more focused mindset for my writing. As for my writing and editorial skills, they have, in my opinion, improved over the course of the semester. My writing skills more than my editorial, however.
3. What do you know about the concept of 'genre'? Explain how understanding this concept is central to being a more effective writer.
-Genre, in the context of writing, is the specific style of writing. Understadning the difference between genre and theme is important. As a theme is more related to what kind of story/idea will be displayed, a genre will be the form in which the theme is related.
4. What skills from this course might you use and/or develop further in the next few years of college coursework?
-Understanding the different rhetorial and analytical strategies will help me analyze contracts and deals in my future after collge. In college, I will be able to go beyond the printed word.
5. What was your most effective moment from this semester in 109H?
-My most effective moment this semester was most likely during group work during class when i was able to discuss different ideas and point of views on whatever we were discussing.
6. What was your least effective moment from this semester in 109H?
- My least effective moment this semester was, in my opinion, my first project. I feel that I slacked off too much on that paper and didn't work to my full potential.
1. What were the biggest challenges you faced this semester, overall?
- The biggest challenge for me this semester was adjusting to a new type of writing style. In the past all I was taught was a more formal style of writing. Where as in 109h this semester I was introduced to more formal article and less formal writing styles.
2. What did you learn this semester about your own time management, writing and editorial skills?
-This semester I learned how to manage how much writing to do at a time as to keep a more focused mindset for my writing. As for my writing and editorial skills, they have, in my opinion, improved over the course of the semester. My writing skills more than my editorial, however.
3. What do you know about the concept of 'genre'? Explain how understanding this concept is central to being a more effective writer.
-Genre, in the context of writing, is the specific style of writing. Understadning the difference between genre and theme is important. As a theme is more related to what kind of story/idea will be displayed, a genre will be the form in which the theme is related.
4. What skills from this course might you use and/or develop further in the next few years of college coursework?
-Understanding the different rhetorial and analytical strategies will help me analyze contracts and deals in my future after collge. In college, I will be able to go beyond the printed word.
5. What was your most effective moment from this semester in 109H?
-My most effective moment this semester was most likely during group work during class when i was able to discuss different ideas and point of views on whatever we were discussing.
6. What was your least effective moment from this semester in 109H?
- My least effective moment this semester was, in my opinion, my first project. I feel that I slacked off too much on that paper and didn't work to my full potential.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Revisiting My Writing Process
Looking back at my writing in the beginning of the semester, I can see that my writing has gotten more complex. In my early blog posts, I showed a very basic understand of writing style, as well as a very basic coherency level for a college student. However, I feel that as time progressed that I have improved my writing style and coherency. Looking towards the future, I plan to continue improving my writing this way. As a business major, it would be very helpful to keep a complex yet coherent writing style. My experience in this course will, hopefully in two to three years, help me continue my personal evolution as a writer. To continue growing as a writer would greatly help myself when I eventually apply for jobs/internships.
Cravit, Cynthia. 10 Myths About Job Interviews |
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Refelection On Project Three
Below I will be answering questions that will show my reflection on my Project Three writing assignment.
1. From one draft to the next, I provided new information that was more relevant to the total subject of the paper. As well, I focused more on activism in the drafts after the first.
2. I reconsidered the organization of my paper a few times. It was important to see that the information was provided at the correct times and followed each bit correctly.
3. I was told that the my information was not placed in a way that would make my paper coherent, so I was forced to change organization to make it better.
4. These changes do not afect my credibility to be an author at all.
5. These changes will allow the reader to rccieve the information they need to hear in a way that will connect with them personally.
6. I didnt spend a lot of time considering sentence structure.
7. Sentence structure does allow the reader to view and understand the total subject of the sentence and overall paragraph easier.
8. Seeing as my piece was more opinionated than most, I had to avoid certain conventions that would show me not showing true opinions.
9. I am not to sure if a reflection helps me reconsider my identity as a writer. it is possible that it may, but I am not sure.
1. From one draft to the next, I provided new information that was more relevant to the total subject of the paper. As well, I focused more on activism in the drafts after the first.
2. I reconsidered the organization of my paper a few times. It was important to see that the information was provided at the correct times and followed each bit correctly.
3. I was told that the my information was not placed in a way that would make my paper coherent, so I was forced to change organization to make it better.
4. These changes do not afect my credibility to be an author at all.
5. These changes will allow the reader to rccieve the information they need to hear in a way that will connect with them personally.
6. I didnt spend a lot of time considering sentence structure.
7. Sentence structure does allow the reader to view and understand the total subject of the sentence and overall paragraph easier.
8. Seeing as my piece was more opinionated than most, I had to avoid certain conventions that would show me not showing true opinions.
9. I am not to sure if a reflection helps me reconsider my identity as a writer. it is possible that it may, but I am not sure.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Publishing Public Arguement
1. Mark with an "x" where you feel your target audience currently stands on the issue (before reading/watcing/hearing your argument) below:
Strongly Totally neutral Strongly
agree disagree
2. Now mark with an "x" where you feel your target audience should be (after they've read/watched/heard your argument) below:
Strongly Totally neutral Strongly
agree disagree
3. Check one (and only one) of the argument types below for your public argument:
_______ My public argument etablishes an original pro position on an issue of debate.
____x___ My public argument establishes an original con position on an issue of debate.
_______ My public argument clarifies the causes for a problem that is being debated.
_______ My public argument prooposes a solution for a problem that is being debated.
_______ My public argument positively evaluate a specific solution or policy under debate (and clearly identifies the idea I'm supporting).
_______ My public argument openly refutes a specific solution or policy under debate (and clearly identifies the idea I'm refuting).
4. Briefly explain how your public argument doesn’t simply restate information from other sources, but provides original context and insight into the situation:
5. Identify the specific rhetorical appeals you believe you've employedi n your public argument below:
Ethical or credibility-establishing appeals
_____ Telling personal stories that establish a credible point-of-view
_____ Referring to credible sources (established journalism, credentialed experts, etc.)
__x__ Employing carefully chosen key words or phrases that demonstrate you are credible (prxoper terminology, strong but clear vocabulary, etc.)
___x__ Adopting a tone that is inviting and trustworthy rather than distancing or alienating
____x_ Arranging visual elements properly (not employing watermarked images, cropping images carefully, avoiding sloppy presentation)
_____ Establishing your own public image in an inviting way (using an appropriate images of yourself, if you appear on camera dressing in a warm or friendly or professional manner, appearing against a background that’s welcoming or credibility-establishing)
_____ Sharing any personal expertise you may possess about the subject (your identity as a student in your discipline affords you some authority here)
_____ Openly acknowledging counterarguments and refuting them intelligently
_____ Appealing openly to the values and beliefs shared by the audience (remember that the website/platform/YouTube channel your argument is designed for helps determine the kind of audience who will encounter your piece)
_____ Other:
Emotional appeals
_____ Telling personal stories that create an appropriate emotional impact for the debate
_____ Telling emotionally compelling narratives drawn from history and/or the current culture
_____ Employing the repetition of key words or phrases that create an appropriate emotional impact
_____ Employing an appropriate level of formality for the subject matter (through appearance, formatting, style of language, etc.)
_____ Appropriate use of humor for subject matter, platform/website, audience
_____ Use of “shocking” statistics in order to underline a specific point
___x__ Use of imagery to create an appropriate emotional impact for the debate
____x_ Employing an attractive color palette that sets an appropriate emotional tone (no clashing or ‘ugly’ colors, no overuse of too many variant colors, etc.)
_____ Use of music to create an appropriate emotional impact for the debate
_____ Use of sound effects to create an appropriate emotional impact for the debate
____ Employing an engaging and appropriate tone of voice for the debate
_____ Other:
Logical or rational appeals
_____ Using historical records from credible sources in order to establish precedents, trends, or patterns
_____x Using statistics from credible sources in order to establish precedents, trends, or patterns
_____ Using interviews from stakeholders that help affirm your stance or position
___x__ Using expert opinions that help affirm your stance or position
_____ Effective organization of elements, images, text, etc.
_____ Clear transitions between different sections of the argument (by using title cards, interstitial music, voiceover, etc.)
_____ Crafted sequencing of images/text/content in order to make linear arguments
_____ Intentional emphasis on specific images/text/content in order to strengthen argument
_____ Careful design of size/color relationships between objects to effectively direct the viewer’s attention/gaze (for visual arguments)
_____ Other:
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Reflection on Project Three Draft
I reviewed Hallye and Swati's rough drafts.
I am only aware of one person who reviewed my paper. That person was Lawrence Wolf. I felt that his intuition and insight into my essay was very helpful. I am taking the advice and notions he made to heart. I feel that the most needed work is on my centered purpose of my essay. it is all over the place as i have noticed. I am feeling good with the overall direction of my essay so far with all the help that I have received thus far.
I am only aware of one person who reviewed my paper. That person was Lawrence Wolf. I felt that his intuition and insight into my essay was very helpful. I am taking the advice and notions he made to heart. I feel that the most needed work is on my centered purpose of my essay. it is all over the place as i have noticed. I am feeling good with the overall direction of my essay so far with all the help that I have received thus far.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Draft of Public Argument
I will Link my article below this paragraph. I would like the readers of this rough draft to know that I will be adding photos and hyperlinks later. As well, this draft will not be nearly as long as the final product most likely as there will plenty of information to go over and include in the coming weeks.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Discussing Visual Elements
The blog below will discuss visual elements involved within my own upcoming essay. My paper and subject is more generally textual and statistical but I will be discussing the amount of visual elements involved as it stands.
Do the different visual and textual elements come together persuasively as a whole, or are there elements that seem disconnected or out of place?
Typically within this subject, it is needed for all textual elements to come together as a whole to make coherent sense. Visual elements don't play a huge factor in helping the essay to come together.
Is the visual-rhetorical tone of your project consistent? \
I thoroughly believe that all visual-rhetorical tone involved in my outline is completely consistent with each element involved. The visual-rhetorical elements involved within my outline are discussed minimally but do still seem to remain consistent with each other in the overall context of the papers outline.
If you are calling your audience to take specific action, is this call specifically developed? Do they know what action they can take or what steps they can take?
The call I am making is actually specific to the audience I am attracting. The audience will be told in the paper of what they should how and what they should do to complete this action. This essay is meant to create the call to action.
If you are calling your audience to take action, are the consequences of not taking action and benefits clearly expressed?
Throughout my essay I will be elaborating what could be and what is actually happening because of outsourcing. Through this, the audience will be able to see what benefits and consequences not only them, but others could go through and receive if they do or don't take action.
Looking back at your images, are they placed or sequenced in the most persuasive way?
My essay does not contain any sort of supporting images. However, should there have been any sort of images involved, it would be extremely important to place them in the most persuasive way possible.
Do too many visual images make your text seem busy and disorganized?
This is all a matter of opinion. If the images are placed in a smart and easily understandable way, they should not be an issue.However, if they seem to serve no real purpose, than they would make the text seem busy and disorganized.
I looked back at Isaac's piece to see how we were either similar or different in our answers to this visual image based questions. I found that we were completely different. As my piece will not involve much visual elements to it, his does involve a lot of visual characteristics to help get his point across, which is where we differ greatly.
Do the different visual and textual elements come together persuasively as a whole, or are there elements that seem disconnected or out of place?
Typically within this subject, it is needed for all textual elements to come together as a whole to make coherent sense. Visual elements don't play a huge factor in helping the essay to come together.
Is the visual-rhetorical tone of your project consistent? \
I thoroughly believe that all visual-rhetorical tone involved in my outline is completely consistent with each element involved. The visual-rhetorical elements involved within my outline are discussed minimally but do still seem to remain consistent with each other in the overall context of the papers outline.
If you are calling your audience to take specific action, is this call specifically developed? Do they know what action they can take or what steps they can take?
The call I am making is actually specific to the audience I am attracting. The audience will be told in the paper of what they should how and what they should do to complete this action. This essay is meant to create the call to action.
If you are calling your audience to take action, are the consequences of not taking action and benefits clearly expressed?
Throughout my essay I will be elaborating what could be and what is actually happening because of outsourcing. Through this, the audience will be able to see what benefits and consequences not only them, but others could go through and receive if they do or don't take action.
Looking back at your images, are they placed or sequenced in the most persuasive way?
My essay does not contain any sort of supporting images. However, should there have been any sort of images involved, it would be extremely important to place them in the most persuasive way possible.
Do too many visual images make your text seem busy and disorganized?
This is all a matter of opinion. If the images are placed in a smart and easily understandable way, they should not be an issue.However, if they seem to serve no real purpose, than they would make the text seem busy and disorganized.
unknown. Unknown |
I looked back at Isaac's piece to see how we were either similar or different in our answers to this visual image based questions. I found that we were completely different. As my piece will not involve much visual elements to it, his does involve a lot of visual characteristics to help get his point across, which is where we differ greatly.
Project 3 Outline
Unknown. Francis Tax Service |
The best way to introduce my argument, provided by the given sections, is to connect the issue your audiences world view. The theory behind this is to appeal to the audiences political, business, financial, social, religious, and personal views on the subject at hand. By appealing to these/using this as a hook for your (my) essay, the author is able to better gain the attention of the reader by appealing to the specific views listed previously. For my argument specifically, which is based on the negative aspects of job outsourcing, this would fit well as it could appeal to political, financial, business, and social views in the audience. The topic of outsourcing could also bring the audience to recall personal experience with this topic, thus drawing in more interest to the subject.
Developing Strong Supportive Paragraphs
1. Outsourcing benefits our nations companies and the economies of other countries, has possibilities of bringing foreign based companies to America and improving both economies along the way.
2.outsourcing takes away american jobs, takes away from the american economy, increases the gap between the middle, lower classes and the upper class, creates higher unemployment.
3. The key point I would use to argue and support of outsourcing would be that it takes away jobs from hard working americans as well takes away opportunity to help support our economy.
4. Many companies nationwide have practiced outsourcing under the impression that it benefits Americans more than hurts them, however, according to public opinion among the 2.3 million who jobs were outsourced over the last decade, that is not completely true.
5. Key statistic: 2.3 million jobs taken and outsourced over the last decade.
Concluding Strategies
The best suited conclusion idea to follow my introduction is a call to action. The main purpose of this essay will be to really get people to become active in developing and creating groups against outsourcing. I will need to develop a motivational way to say that the audience should rise to this occasion and develop these groups.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Analyzing My Genre
Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy Speaks Out On Gay Marriage
United Airlines' Outsourcing Jobs to Company That Pays Near-Poverty Wages Is Shameful
David Perdue: 'I Spent Most Of My Career' Outsourcing
U.S. Manufacturing No More Expensive Than Outsourcing To China By 2015: Study
As Hotels Outsource Jobs, Workers Lose Hold On Living Wage

- The genre is generally set within the United States of America business world. The center of my genre will focus on American Business.
-The general subject of my genre is the negative impacts on American jobs due to the act of job outsourcing to foreign countries.
-The general person who would use this type of genre are reporters and writers who focus on the development and constant news flow about controversies and who typically have a strong opinion the said controversy.
-The specific genre is used when a new controversy comes up and the media feels they need to display their own opinion and help inform the general public of this controversy and their own personal opinions. This serves as a means of helping people gain an opinion and stance on the subject.
-Content that is usually excluded is generally information that would either not give important context for the controversy or that it would sway your opinion away from where they want you to be. The media would generally include all information and wording that would sway you to their way as best as possible.
- Usually the most used rhetorical strategy is ethos and pathos. Emotion usually plays a big roll in gaining support affecting opinion. As well, pathos is very important in the selection of words to help influence ethos.
-Texts are organized specifically in a way to either information in a way that will feed information in an important way to gain full context or to gain full view of the author.
-Words chosen are usually passionate and strong as too make the controversy a lot more emotional and seem a lot bigger than it could possibly be actually.
-The genre will typically include both sides of the argument, but focus mainly on the side the author supports and will put the other side in a very negative light.
-The genre has no real restrictions on the role of the writer.
-Values and beliefs included are usually judged by what the author feels is important or not to the context of the subject.
-The genre treats the authors opinion and all information involved in it as the generally most important information.
I looked at Isaac and Andrea's blogs and was impressed with what I saw. They both clearly found articles with clear correlation with each other and the genres that they have chosen. I noticed that Andrea's was more similar to min, so I had more interest and was able to take that and add onto mine because of what i've read.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Considering Types
For my argument, I plan on most likely taking the position of a position argument. As I am trying to show the audience how the bad outweighs the good in the context of this debate. To affect opinion, its best to show both the good and the bad, too. By doing this I can give the audience a fair shot at forming an opinion while also showing my own personal opinion as well as the opinion of the media I am using to gain this information.
Most of the other argument styles may also be able to help convey the idea correctly, except for a refutation argument. Were are merely trying to explain it and get people to show opinion and cause action because of their opinion. A refutation argument is trying to disprove the argument. There is no room to disprove it, only to express it and gain backing on the debate.
I read both Hallye and Isaac's positions on "Considering Types." It was good to see two differing opinions on how arguments. I personally agree more with Hallye's argument than Isaac's. I personally believe that a position argument is more beneficial to my type of argument.
Most of the other argument styles may also be able to help convey the idea correctly, except for a refutation argument. Were are merely trying to explain it and get people to show opinion and cause action because of their opinion. A refutation argument is trying to disprove the argument. There is no room to disprove it, only to express it and gain backing on the debate.
Spiegal, Alex. How Politicians Get Away With Dodging The Question. |
My Rhetorical Action Plan
Below will be a long post answering all the questions from the above pictures.
1. Audience
The, subject of the my debate, has been a hot topic for many previous elections. Thus, it is to be assumed that my audience knows about my debate. Although, I will not refrain from discussing and detailing the topic of my debate. It is highly possible that they have predispositions. The only control I have over this is just to do my best to affect their opinions.
The ideals held up the audience is all dependent on where they are from and how they were raised.
The best way to attract an audience is to use both statistical evidence and quotations from major voices. The way I would translate this is by placing a corresponding stat with a quote to help add context to the statistical evidence.
The best visual elements I could use are using any video possible to help back up information, if this was an article. As this is a paper discussing the debate, the best way to use visual elements is to use photos of any main players in the discussion that play a major role in the debate over outsourcing, specifically David Perdue
The audience's purpose in reading this argument is to gain information and an opinion on the topic of the outsourcing of American Jobs. I am personally trying to encourage the activism for the return of what was once a primarily American job.
2. Genre
The Function of this specific genre is to show how there are two sides to every argument and that it is important to reflect on both to create a valid opinion. It is designed to show the audience both the good and bad sides of the argument. The setting of my specific genre is the American business frontier.
The most likely type of rhetorical strategy I will implore the most is ethos. Ethos is the most effective in gaining sympathy out of the reader. It is important to see implications of what the companies around us are doing that may affect our personal lives too much.
I will use a more formal conversational style of writing to discuss this genre. This is a serious subject, thus making it more formal, but it is also important to act like you relate to the the audience, making conversational also appropriate.
3.Negative and Positive Responses
Positive Reactions:
- The sway to side of the disagreement with outsourcing
-People become more active about affect the return of jobs.
- Politicians begin to step up their attempts to fix the american job system.
Negative rebuttals
- economists saying that outsourcing jobs helps america more than hurts it
- by bringing back our jobs we hurt other countries, how is that morally right?
- Companies begin to speed up the outsourcing of jobs in spite of article such as the ones I am using as a source.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Analyzing Purpose
I have decided to make this blog post into a coggle graph. Please enjoy as it is linked here
Lovekin, Kris. Thursday: A Long Day |
Monday, October 26, 2015
Analyzing Context
Below I will be answering the above questions based on the subject of my third essay coming up.
The key perspectives i am looking at is the act of outsourcing and the common use of it among our politicians who were once businessmen.
2. What are the major points of contention or major disagreements among these perspectives?
The major disagreement, coming from major corporations and some of politicians, is that outsourcing benefits American business rather than hurt it. The main politician I will be focusing on, David Perdue, argues strongly and uses his past experience in Asia to back up his end of the debate.
3. What are the possible points of agreement or the possible common ground between these perspectives?
The key point of agreement in this debate is knowing that the taking away of american jobs hurts America rather than helps it. The point where there could be a common ground is if the outsourcing to another country actually does directly create more jobs for American back within the borders of our country.
4. What are the idealogical differences, if any, between the perspectives?
The key idealogical differences is the moral and business debate of whether or not outsourcing jobs hurts american business or actually hurts it. As well, if politicians should be in support of it.
5. What specific actions do their perspectives or texts ask their audience to take?
The perspectives try to appeal on a personal level. They both try play emotions and show which side will benefit them more on a personal and financial level.
6.What perspectives are useful in supporting your own arguments about the issue? Why did you choose these?
The most useful perspective to use in defending my own argument is by showing statistical evidence that shows how many jobs have left the United States and how many people have lost their jobs due to these acts. These play on a personal level and will draw attention to the reader. As well, I would bring up which countries and which companies David Perdue has had experience in outsourcing in.
7. What perspectives do you think will be the greatest threat to your argument? Why so?
I believe the greatest threat to my argument will be the possibility that job outsourcing may actually help out Americans gain jobs.
Looking back at Hallye and Victoria's posts on their context, I was able to see if I was missing content and If should elaborate further on certain areas. the conclusion for the future was a simple yes. I was able to see by comparing theirs and mine own where these places will be. It was incredibly helpful to see this at the early stages of the writing.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Extended Annotated Bibliography
This blog has a link to my extended annotated bibliography in APA style. These websites will help provide background to the questions provided previously.
You can look at it here.
You can look at it here.
Audience and Genre
Below I will be discussing groups that would be particularly interested in the controversy being David Perdue's comments about Outsourcing.
Groups that would most likely show interest in this controversy include working class americans and third party voters in Georgia.
Working class Americans are some of the hardest working people in the country. Many hold multpile jobs to provide fore themselves and their families. Thus, the idea of outsourcing is against what they need to keep providing. If they should lose their jobs due to it being moved outside of the country, they would lose money and so much more since they could no longer provide as well anymore.
THe working class would most likely report these issues in a more popular newspaper thats more accessible to people in their financial situation such as the New York Times or Los Angeles Times. Both of these papers would be informative and give a detailed report on the whole situation. This is show these four links:
Hillary Clinton: Benghazi
Bernie Sanders: "Stand Up Corporate America"
Garcetti: 15 dollar Minimum Wage
GOP Asks Gov. Brown for Drought Plan
Perdue made these statements during an election process. Thus, third party voters are looking who to vote for. By making these statements, It gives the voters an idea as to what he as a politician and potential senator for another term would stand for and fight for while in office.
The links posted above would also relate to Third Party Voters due to the fact that they would help show them who is the correct person to vote for to help with their needs.
Groups that would most likely show interest in this controversy include working class americans and third party voters in Georgia.
Working class Americans are some of the hardest working people in the country. Many hold multpile jobs to provide fore themselves and their families. Thus, the idea of outsourcing is against what they need to keep providing. If they should lose their jobs due to it being moved outside of the country, they would lose money and so much more since they could no longer provide as well anymore.
THe working class would most likely report these issues in a more popular newspaper thats more accessible to people in their financial situation such as the New York Times or Los Angeles Times. Both of these papers would be informative and give a detailed report on the whole situation. This is show these four links:
Hillary Clinton: Benghazi
Bernie Sanders: "Stand Up Corporate America"
Garcetti: 15 dollar Minimum Wage
GOP Asks Gov. Brown for Drought Plan
Perdue made these statements during an election process. Thus, third party voters are looking who to vote for. By making these statements, It gives the voters an idea as to what he as a politician and potential senator for another term would stand for and fight for while in office.
The links posted above would also relate to Third Party Voters due to the fact that they would help show them who is the correct person to vote for to help with their needs.
Narrowing My focus
To understand the main focus of outsourcing and this issue with David Perdue in general, it is important to understand settings involved in the total process.
Where was this election taking place
The election between David Perdue and Michelle Nunn for a Senate seat took place in the state of Georgia. During the election, Perdue was running for reflection as he had been in office previously.
Where were jobs outsourced to?
Perdue stated that most of the jobs he took apart in outsourcing was sent to places mainly in Asian countries and small parts of India. He played a major role in the development of jobs in B angkok and in Hong Kong
Where was this election taking place
The election between David Perdue and Michelle Nunn for a Senate seat took place in the state of Georgia. During the election, Perdue was running for reflection as he had been in office previously.
Where were jobs outsourced to?
Perdue stated that most of the jobs he took apart in outsourcing was sent to places mainly in Asian countries and small parts of India. He played a major role in the development of jobs in B angkok and in Hong Kong
Unknown. Asia Map |
Questions about Controversy
For Project three, I have decided to reflect more on the David Perdue's comments about outsourcing during the 2014 Senate Election. Below I will be listing questions that will be essential to the the next essay.
University of Miami. Compliance Communicator Questions of the Month |
Five WHO questions
Five WHEN questions
Five WHERE questions
Five HOW questions
- Who, besides David Perdue, has supported this issue?
- Who in the government has made a statement about the controversy?
- Who is clearly opposed to his comments?
- Who was running against Perdue?
- Who else has publicly been against his comments?
- What are reactions the public has given?
- What did Perdue intend to do by stating this?
- What companies did Perdue outsource for?
- What is the argument against outsourcing and Perdue's views?
- What was the end result in the election after this was controversially stated?
Five WHEN questions
- When did Perdue make these comments?
- When did Perdue outsource the jobs?
- When did Perdue transfer from business to politics?
- When did Nunn release commercials that supposedly drew the comments away from headlines?
- When did Perdue first get elected to Senate?
Five WHERE questions
- Where was this stated?
- Where is the election taking place?
- Where are the places where this controversy was mainly discussed?
- Where else was the first reported?
- Where were jobs outsourced too?
Five HOW questions
- How was this controversy first presented?
- How many media platforms has this been discussed on?
- How many people on both Perdue and Nunn's sides were asked about the comments?
- How has this quote been used for mudslinging in the race?
- How has this issue been discussed by the media?
Reflection on Project 2
Below, I will be answering questions from the picture above about my revision process with my Project Two essay.
1. What was specifically revised from one draft to another?
Originally in my first draft, I had put too much context and summarization of the article rather than reflect on the rhetorical strategies. Thus, in my revision I took small and unimportant paragraphs with unneeded context and replaced with analyzations of the rhetorical strategies.
2. Point to Global Changes: How did you reconsider my thesis or organization?
In my thesis in my final draft, I involved more about the author and the way the article was wrote rather than reflecting just on the subject of the article
3. What Led you to these changes?
What led me to these changes was noticing that I had been missing a lot of important content that would greatly affect my grade. It was necessary to change so that I could earn a better grade.
4. How do these changes affect your credibility as an author?
I feel that these changes would improve my credibility. By reflecting on more than content, I am showing more depth into my writing than I had previously.
5. How will these changes better address the audience or venue?
Seeing as how this particular audience is meant to be persuaded by the debate and informed of how the author does prove this argument, this will better address the audiences needs.
6. How did you reconsider sentence structure and style?
During the revisions process, I focused more on content than anything else. However, when I was writing the revisions I formatted the sentence structure and style to emphasize the argument that I was writing about.
7. How will these changes assist your audience in understanding the purpose?
These changes should allow the audience to see the debate and the authors side more clearly and make them able to format an opinion easier.
8.Did you have to reconsider the conventions of a particular genre in which you are writing?
I did not have to reconsider the conventions of the genre I was writing in.
9.How does this process of reflection hep you reconsider your identity as an author?
Through this process, I found that I personally am better at finding information rather than analyzing it. It showed me that I have places to improve upon in my writing.
Looking at both Isaac and Hallye's reflections, I was able to see two separate ways of how people go about their revisions and what they feel they needed to fix. Both of them knew they had plenty of area to improve upon in their essays for their final draft and discussed it well in their reflections.
As well, the two of them also reflected on how the changes of their papers would affect the audience view point of the essay.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Punctuation, Part 2
Below I will be discussing three punctuation topics and how they are applied to my own paper.
1. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction joining independent clauses.
The main purpose, as stated above clearly, is to combine to clauses to create a more coherent clause and defined subject. This is not a new subject to me personally, but I still do skip over it sometimes as many others do as well.
Within my essay, there were not many situations where I had misused this conjunction. However, it was good to be able to go back and make sure that I had been aware to combine all the independent clauses I had.
2. Use punctuation with quotation marks according to convention.
In my essay, I provide a lot of quotes. Thus, this rule comes to play many times over. When reviewing my essay, I did notice that I had missed this a couple of times. It was very important to go back and catch the punctuation mistakes so that I could keep a clean and well punctuated paper.
3. Do not use commas to set off restrictive or mildly parenthetical elements.
The use of this punctuation function is to keep away from creating restrictive elements or modifiers, They are essential to the sentence, so by cutting them off with commas you are taking away their use.
In my own essay, I did not run into this issue many times. My own modifiers were not a massive issue overall in my essay.
1. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction joining independent clauses.
The main purpose, as stated above clearly, is to combine to clauses to create a more coherent clause and defined subject. This is not a new subject to me personally, but I still do skip over it sometimes as many others do as well.
Within my essay, there were not many situations where I had misused this conjunction. However, it was good to be able to go back and make sure that I had been aware to combine all the independent clauses I had.
2. Use punctuation with quotation marks according to convention.
In my essay, I provide a lot of quotes. Thus, this rule comes to play many times over. When reviewing my essay, I did notice that I had missed this a couple of times. It was very important to go back and catch the punctuation mistakes so that I could keep a clean and well punctuated paper.
3. Do not use commas to set off restrictive or mildly parenthetical elements.
The use of this punctuation function is to keep away from creating restrictive elements or modifiers, They are essential to the sentence, so by cutting them off with commas you are taking away their use.
In my own essay, I did not run into this issue many times. My own modifiers were not a massive issue overall in my essay.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Paragraph Analysis 2
Attached here is the link to the Copy for Paragraph Analysis.
Looking through my draft, I noticed that I have missed analyzations of rhetorical strategies. However, I do provide enough background detail so that my future draft will be able to understood easier. I find that my strengths do include providing this information but my weakness may be to analyze it.
Looking through my draft, I noticed that I have missed analyzations of rhetorical strategies. However, I do provide enough background detail so that my future draft will be able to understood easier. I find that my strengths do include providing this information but my weakness may be to analyze it.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Revised Conclusion
Below I will be rewriting my conclusion for my rhetorical analysis.
One year later and the issue of outsourcing and its support from GOP politicians is still apparent. Samantha Lachman's rhetoric in he article about David Perdue has drawn alot attention as many Americans have begun taking issues such as this one more seriously. It is only a matter of time until purposeful outsourcing ends and politicians like Perdue do not see this as something be proud of anymore.
Revised Introduction
In this post, I will be writing a completely new introduction paragraph.
Some politicians claim to support the return of jobs, whereas other politicians who were former businessmen state that they are proud of outsourcing jobs. Politician David Perdue has been quoted saying that he supports and is proud of his past experiences in outsourcing jobs. It is hard to imagine being proud of an act that has affected many Americans lives. As well, it is hard to imagine in what context outsourcing could be positive, and how a person could think the general public and mainstream media would be happy with these acts. In the article “David Perdue says He’s Proud of His Background Outsourcing Jobs” from the Huffington Post, journalist Samantha Lachman reflects on how the statements made by Perdue could negatively affect his election versus Michelle Nunn.
In the international and domestic job market, jobs constantly flow in and out of countries. In the last decade alone, jobs have started leaving the United States, yet not returning. Politicians, many of which actually support outsourcing, have come out and said that they support the loss of the jobs and are proud of their own experiences with it. Specifically, Senator and former businessman David Perdue has been quoted in his most recent election proclaiming his pro-outsourcing stance. In the article “David Perdue says He’s Proud of His Background Outsourcing Jobs” from the Huffington Post, journalist Samantha Lachman analyzes his words and his stance on outsourcing jobs.
Reflection on Project 2 Draft
The two drafts that I peer reviewed were Hallye's and Chloe's. Hallye's was not a full draft yet, but i left suggestions to help her develop it into a working draft.
Do you have an identifiable thesis?
I personally believe that I have a clear thesis statement. I can see where it may be lacking in pointing out rhetorical strategies, which can be fixed later in the next draft. By looking at other drafts, I can see where I may be lacking in certain points. As well, I can see where I am not lacking anything.
How have you decided to organize your essay?
For my essay, apart from introduction and conclusion, I have decided to focus mainly on a single aspect in each paragraph. It allows for coherency and easier understanding of the subject. The Introduction is organized to reflect my take on the subject as well as the article's authors take on the subject. As well, it introduces the subject of the article as a whole. The conclusion is meant to restate the thesis along with showing a clear opinion and tone of the entire paper.
Did you identify and analyze the five elements of the rhetorical situation?
I do believe I did identify and analyze the elements. However, I am not exactly sure if I have, thus peer revision will be very helpful to see this.
Did you explain why certain rhetorical strategies were employed?
I do not believe that I did this. It is possible i focused too much on the subject rather than rhetorical strategies. This will be something I need to fix come next draft.
Are you using evidence in your article?
I have used plenty of evidence in from my article in my paper. I took information from this article and others to provide ample background for the paper and for it to be put into context.
Do you leave your reader wanting more?
Being the writer, I can say that I believe that I did. However, it is more up to the reader to figure that out for myself. I do believe that I did but you can never be sure.
Do you have an identifiable thesis?
I personally believe that I have a clear thesis statement. I can see where it may be lacking in pointing out rhetorical strategies, which can be fixed later in the next draft. By looking at other drafts, I can see where I may be lacking in certain points. As well, I can see where I am not lacking anything.
How have you decided to organize your essay?
For my essay, apart from introduction and conclusion, I have decided to focus mainly on a single aspect in each paragraph. It allows for coherency and easier understanding of the subject. The Introduction is organized to reflect my take on the subject as well as the article's authors take on the subject. As well, it introduces the subject of the article as a whole. The conclusion is meant to restate the thesis along with showing a clear opinion and tone of the entire paper.
Did you identify and analyze the five elements of the rhetorical situation?
I do believe I did identify and analyze the elements. However, I am not exactly sure if I have, thus peer revision will be very helpful to see this.
Did you explain why certain rhetorical strategies were employed?
I do not believe that I did this. It is possible i focused too much on the subject rather than rhetorical strategies. This will be something I need to fix come next draft.
Are you using evidence in your article?
I have used plenty of evidence in from my article in my paper. I took information from this article and others to provide ample background for the paper and for it to be put into context.
Do you leave your reader wanting more?
Being the writer, I can say that I believe that I did. However, it is more up to the reader to figure that out for myself. I do believe that I did but you can never be sure.
Unknown Blogger. Is Society Putting too Much Pressure on High School Students? |
Punctuation Part 1
In this post, I will reflect on three functions of punctuation as found in Rules for Writers.
1. Use a comma after an introductory clause.
This function is nothing new to me personally, however, many people including myself at points tend to struggle with this. It is very important to understand the function of this. It creates a sense of clarity and separation between the introduction of the sentence to the subject of the sentence. There are many different ways that this is also for the middle part of a sentence, but clarifying the introduction is far more important.
2. Avoid common misuses of the colon
I, like many people, have all fallen subject to the misuse of the colon. Misuses of the colon include creating short lists, between the preposition and the object, and after the words/phrases such as, including, or for example. BY misusing the colon, it creates incoherency and confusion between the separate parts of the sentence.
3. Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation to enclose a quotation within a quotation
It is important to notice that within a quote, if there is another quote within it, then you do not use regular quotes. You instead use the single quote('). Using single quotes distinguishes the words your citing from words that another is citing.
None of these were new and surprising functions to me. However, they were a good refresher. They are very important to know and to be aware of.
"This essentially revived the controversy, for it is still very alive today." This was taken from Isaac's rhetorical analysis paper. It is not misusing the comma after an introductory clause, but the way the sentence is phrased with the use of the comma is awkward. The use of comma placement, such as after the introductory claus, is very important all the way around. The use of this comma should be changed or taken out completely.
1. Use a comma after an introductory clause.
This function is nothing new to me personally, however, many people including myself at points tend to struggle with this. It is very important to understand the function of this. It creates a sense of clarity and separation between the introduction of the sentence to the subject of the sentence. There are many different ways that this is also for the middle part of a sentence, but clarifying the introduction is far more important.
2. Avoid common misuses of the colon
I, like many people, have all fallen subject to the misuse of the colon. Misuses of the colon include creating short lists, between the preposition and the object, and after the words/phrases such as, including, or for example. BY misusing the colon, it creates incoherency and confusion between the separate parts of the sentence.
3. Use single quotation marks to enclose a quotation to enclose a quotation within a quotation
It is important to notice that within a quote, if there is another quote within it, then you do not use regular quotes. You instead use the single quote('). Using single quotes distinguishes the words your citing from words that another is citing.
None of these were new and surprising functions to me. However, they were a good refresher. They are very important to know and to be aware of.
"This essentially revived the controversy, for it is still very alive today." This was taken from Isaac's rhetorical analysis paper. It is not misusing the comma after an introductory clause, but the way the sentence is phrased with the use of the comma is awkward. The use of comma placement, such as after the introductory claus, is very important all the way around. The use of this comma should be changed or taken out completely.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Draft of Rhetorical Analysis
Linked below is my first draft of my rhetorical analysis. It is especially rough and needs to fixed up a bit but I feel that it is a good starting point for my rhetorical analysis. Within my piece I provide extra information from an outside article that is linked and cited within the article. Please leave any feedback possible both on context and grammar when needed.
To Be Proud or To Be Ashamed
To Be Proud or To Be Ashamed
Monday, October 12, 2015
Practice Summary & Paraphrase
This post will be a practice exercise for summary and paraphrasing by quoting from the David Perdue Says He's 'Proud' Of His Background Outsourcing Jobs from the Huffington Post. Original Source
Democrats are likely to make hay of Perdue's comments since the businessman has run off his record as a job creator with companies like Dollar General and Reebok. Nunn's campaign has already run television spots highlighting his tenure at Pillowtex, so Perdue's latest remarks will likely become fodder for new ads
Democrats are likely to make hay of Perdue's comments since the businessman has run off his record as a job creator with companies like Dollar General and Reebok. Nunn's campaign has already run television spots highlighting his tenure at Pillowtex, so Perdue's latest remarks will likely become fodder for new ads
My Paraphrase of Original Source
Due to the comments that Perdue has made towards the subject of his company outsourcing, the Democratic party is theorized to draw large attention at the comments. However, it is highly possible that they will disappear within the new commercials that the opposing candidate has recently released.
My Summary of the Original Source
The democratic party would like to draw attention to the comments made by Perdue, but it is likely that it will not draw much attention due to Nunn's recently commercial sports taking attention.
Project 2 Outline
Below I will be discussing my project two outline. It was helped written by the Writing Public Lives excerpt given to us.
Reading what was written in the Writing Public Lives was, for the most part, pretty helpful! Having it start of by breaking down a rhetorical analysis piece-by-piece was extremely helpful. Personally, rhetorical analysis is not my strongest field. The section breaks it down by purpose, thesis, organization and evidence. The one I struggle the most with is find the evidence. Whereas the other parts come easier, analyzing pieces to find the evidence needed is extremely difficult for me. The article also goes over argument, however, I do not see an issue with forming an argument. The section that helped out the most overall was section analysis of an entire paper. By breaking down each section/paragraph allows for the reader, myself, to understand and interpret each piece seperatly and more coherently.
Kutner, Jenny. David Perdue shrigs off pay discrimination charges: "Less than 2000" women sued my company.
Opening up my paper I am going to introduce the nationwide issue of job outsourcing. This will lead into the smaller and more focused subject of Politicians, like David Perdue, outsoucing jobs and being proud of it. I will be using the author of the articles side take on the subject throughout most of the paper.
As we are in still a drafting process, my thesis is still in need of adjustment. However, it will surround how outsourcing jobs from our country has a very negative effect on our country.
The American Dream is claimed to have died. However, it is not dead, it has just been outsourced to other countries. Many politicians, once major businessmen, have been found to be guilty of outsourcing american jobs for cheaper labor costs. However, politicians like David Purdue have been quoted that they are"proud" of their outsourcing of hard earned american jobs.
Body Paragraphs
1. General Statistics of Outsourcing in the year the article was written (2014)
-Discuss the specific company that David Purdue was apart of
- Discuss how and where he outsourced jobs too
2. Discuss the Context of the situation
- why was he outsourcing
-how wad this brought to media attention
-discuss any sensitivity/insensitivity towards the subject
3. Tone of the Author towards subject'
- Angry/irritated towards subject
-provides more and more negative evidence about the subject
Main Claim
Perdue should not be proud of his job outsourcing as well as anyone else who claims outsourcing is a good thing.
My conclusion will start off by reflecting on my thesis. Then will be followed up by my own and the articles authors takes on David Purdue and outsourcing.
Looking at Hallye's and Isaac's outlines, I was very content to see that I had my formatting down as well as the content. I realize that content will differ by person, but as for a general Idea, it was good to see that my own reflected the others. When it came to the Writing Public Lives, I was also happy to see that I had similar opinions on certain pieces of writing. |
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Draft Thesis Statement
I will be beginning my project two essay with the thesis statement below written below. This was created with the help from "Creating a Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Statement."
1. Where as politicians have claimed to support the return of jobs, many politicians, also business owners, have claimed to support and be proud of outsourcing jobs.
This is a, in my personal opinion, a good lead in to the essay I am aiming to write. It may be a little leading in the way of guiding general opinion.
2. The American Dream is claimed to have died. However, it is not dead, it has just been outsourced to other countries.
This statement is a little more vague than the last. It has a solid ground but may be a little vague for when I need to bring up the point about David Perdue.
1. Where as politicians have claimed to support the return of jobs, many politicians, also business owners, have claimed to support and be proud of outsourcing jobs.
This is a, in my personal opinion, a good lead in to the essay I am aiming to write. It may be a little leading in the way of guiding general opinion.
2. The American Dream is claimed to have died. However, it is not dead, it has just been outsourced to other countries.
This statement is a little more vague than the last. It has a solid ground but may be a little vague for when I need to bring up the point about David Perdue.
Deposit Photos |
When looking at Isaac's and and Alex's thesis statement's, I found that mine were up to par with their own. I enjoyed how Alex touched on both sides, but I personally found it more successful to stay with the tone of the article that I am using for my project. I believe that my thesis statements are very well written and will work very well for me.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Analyzing My Audience
In the below post, I will be discussing the specific audience meant for the article I have chosen.
1. Who Am I writing for? What are the Audiences beliefs and assumptions?
In the context of the project we are currently participating in, I am writing for an incoming class of freshman that do not understand rhetorical analysis. As well, these students struggle with understanding how arguments are made in my specific field. The audiences beliefs are very limited and we can assume they are very influential and are of needing help.
2.What Position might they take on this issue? How will I need to respond to this position?
If i am able to convey my message correctly, I should be able to get them be against outsourcing jobs. To get them to this opinion I need to be able relay the negatives of outsourcing and how the GOP wrongly supports it. I will need to keep a positive outlook on the entire situation regardless of the outcome of their opinion. Being able to be calm and collected to argue on this position is key.
3. What will they want to know?
The audience will want to know what the GOP member said on their stance on outsourcing. Along with who said what and the number of how many jobs have been taken from Americans.
4. How might they react to my argument?
It is possible that they could either react positively or negatively. It depends on their personal opinion and the way they grew up.
5. How am I trying to relate to or connect with my audience?
I am trying to relate by using personal connection by connecting the culture that we all live in. By connecting to personal experience to the mind, you are able to reach down to a personal level.
6. Are there specific words, ideas, or modes of presentation that will help me relate to them in this way?
The basic ideas needed to connect with the audience is based primarily off personal connection. Using personal experience is key to relating to the audience in any way. The mode of presentation does not affect too much of the opinion besides maybe interest. It is within best interest to keep the presentation of it very interesting.
As I looked through Isaac and Swati's analyzations, | found myself with both the same methods or lacking of some. I find it as a good learning tool to see where I can add onto for the next time. The two of them, both being in a medical field, have clear different subjects than mine but seem to go about the situation nearly the same way. I can see myself adjusting my method in reaction to the business aspect of my article compared to the medical aspect of their own articles.
1. Who Am I writing for? What are the Audiences beliefs and assumptions?
In the context of the project we are currently participating in, I am writing for an incoming class of freshman that do not understand rhetorical analysis. As well, these students struggle with understanding how arguments are made in my specific field. The audiences beliefs are very limited and we can assume they are very influential and are of needing help.
2.What Position might they take on this issue? How will I need to respond to this position?
If i am able to convey my message correctly, I should be able to get them be against outsourcing jobs. To get them to this opinion I need to be able relay the negatives of outsourcing and how the GOP wrongly supports it. I will need to keep a positive outlook on the entire situation regardless of the outcome of their opinion. Being able to be calm and collected to argue on this position is key.
3. What will they want to know?
The audience will want to know what the GOP member said on their stance on outsourcing. Along with who said what and the number of how many jobs have been taken from Americans.
4. How might they react to my argument?
It is possible that they could either react positively or negatively. It depends on their personal opinion and the way they grew up.
5. How am I trying to relate to or connect with my audience?
I am trying to relate by using personal connection by connecting the culture that we all live in. By connecting to personal experience to the mind, you are able to reach down to a personal level.
6. Are there specific words, ideas, or modes of presentation that will help me relate to them in this way?
The basic ideas needed to connect with the audience is based primarily off personal connection. Using personal experience is key to relating to the audience in any way. The mode of presentation does not affect too much of the opinion besides maybe interest. It is within best interest to keep the presentation of it very interesting.
Couture, Gabriel. Testing Your MVP:Building the Right Audience |
As I looked through Isaac and Swati's analyzations, | found myself with both the same methods or lacking of some. I find it as a good learning tool to see where I can add onto for the next time. The two of them, both being in a medical field, have clear different subjects than mine but seem to go about the situation nearly the same way. I can see myself adjusting my method in reaction to the business aspect of my article compared to the medical aspect of their own articles.
Cluster of David Perdue Says He's 'Proud' Of His Background Outsourcing Jobs
In the linked flow chart from Coggle, I have laid out two separate sides of analyzing the article. On the right I researched the author and her credibility from education to professional career. On the left, I analyzed the context of the article and the tone given off along with what the subject was described as.
Lachman, Samantha. David Perdue Says He's "Proud" Of his Background Outsourcing Jobs |
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Analyzing Message in Snapple Deal to Outsourcing May Add to More Jobs in America
As I look over whats given to me in Students Guide and reread over my article, I am able to see where certain ideas mean more to others. I will name messages that mean more and some that do not.
Out of all the bullet points listed for "Message and Purpose" on page 181, which two or three seem most relevant to the goals of your text's author/s? Why?
The two most relevant bullet points in the article from the New York Times are how they express an ideas or opinion and moves the readers to feel in a certain way.
The way that the article reflects on ideas is the total basis of the article. The article is centered upon the idea that jobs that belong in America are coming back to America. THe author shows clear opinion towards bringing the jobs back to the United States and supports the Snapple corporation.
This as well feeds into the idea that the article is trying to sway the readers to feel a certain way. The article appeals to the hard working citizen. By doing that, when bringing up a subject about bring jobs back to the hard working people, it is bound to draw an emotional standing. This article is meant to draw out positive emotion and draw out more calls for the return of jobs to the United States.
Which bullet points do NOT seem relevant to the goals of your text's author/s? Why not?
The piece, although it should does not advocate for change. It is the beginning of a change back to normal american job life. As well as it does not reflect on a topic. The overall idea of the piece is to inform about new jobs coming to America and the idea that jobs are potentially coming back. However, the article doesn't reflect on that idea.
Are there nuances and layers to the message the author(s)/speaker(s) is/are trying to get across? If so, what are they? If not, why not?
In my own personal opinion, I have not seen any hidden layers/messages that the other is trying to get across. There may be no clear reason as to why there is not one. However, It is highly possible that the author's main goal of the article was to me more direct with the audience, as well as trying to drive the reader directly in the direction he wanted them to lean to after reading the article.
Out of all the bullet points listed for "Message and Purpose" on page 181, which two or three seem most relevant to the goals of your text's author/s? Why?
The two most relevant bullet points in the article from the New York Times are how they express an ideas or opinion and moves the readers to feel in a certain way.
The way that the article reflects on ideas is the total basis of the article. The article is centered upon the idea that jobs that belong in America are coming back to America. THe author shows clear opinion towards bringing the jobs back to the United States and supports the Snapple corporation.
This as well feeds into the idea that the article is trying to sway the readers to feel a certain way. The article appeals to the hard working citizen. By doing that, when bringing up a subject about bring jobs back to the hard working people, it is bound to draw an emotional standing. This article is meant to draw out positive emotion and draw out more calls for the return of jobs to the United States.
Which bullet points do NOT seem relevant to the goals of your text's author/s? Why not?
The piece, although it should does not advocate for change. It is the beginning of a change back to normal american job life. As well as it does not reflect on a topic. The overall idea of the piece is to inform about new jobs coming to America and the idea that jobs are potentially coming back. However, the article doesn't reflect on that idea.
Are there nuances and layers to the message the author(s)/speaker(s) is/are trying to get across? If so, what are they? If not, why not?
In my own personal opinion, I have not seen any hidden layers/messages that the other is trying to get across. There may be no clear reason as to why there is not one. However, It is highly possible that the author's main goal of the article was to me more direct with the audience, as well as trying to drive the reader directly in the direction he wanted them to lean to after reading the article.
Snapple Tea |
Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in Snapple Deal To Outsource May Add Jobs In America
This post will be focused on analyzing rhetorical strategies in the article that I have been following this week.
Appeals To Credibility or Character
Appeals To Credibility or Character
- The author uses an emotional appeal to get the readers attention
- They use this as a way to draw the readers opinion in their direction as well as to draw support for the cause.
- For the most part, this strategy will draw a more positive outlook on the situation and a call to do help manage and support the situation
- Emotional appeal always draws in the readers attention and keeps them focused
- It is not apparent if there is any bias in the authors head.
"Even Snapple, an American iced tea maker with a homespun image, is outsourcing work to an Indian company. But in a twist, the deal may increase jobs in the United States."- Heather Timmons
Appeal To Emotion
Just as listed above in "Appeals to Credibility or Character", Emotional appeal is lightly apparent in the article. The article itself is very formal and informative. However, its underlying tone/message could appeal and draw the readers to an emotional boundary. It is not very clear as to how strong of an emotional appeal it is drawing us too.
Appeals To Logic
By employing the strategies listed, the author is trying to get appealing to the reader in a way that "hits home" for the reader. It is hard to say how effective it is as a whole as an appeal to the reader as it is more of an informational article. In my own personal opinion, the strategies are not very effective. The emotional appeal is very brief and very weak, as well well as appeals to logic and character.
After looking at Hallye's and Isaac's analyzations, I found that my piece may have been lacking in length but not in content. Hallye and Isaac, both with completely different formats, show a great amount of detail.
Seeing as my article is more informative rather than opinionated, it has little area to analyze past the first level of the writing.
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