Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Cultural Analysis of the Snapple Deal to Outsource Jobs May Add Jobs to America
The article I have chosen to do a cultural analysis of is the Snapple Deal To Outsource Jobs May Add Jobs to America
The issue addressed in the article is how a deal from within the Snapple Corporation can bring jobs from other countries back within American borders. It is important to discuss due to the decreasing amount of jobs in America due to major corporations usually outsourcing jobs to countries with lower work standards.
When reading this piece, I found three cultural key words simply within the title of the article. These words include: Snapple, Outsource, America. While seemingly random, they each hold a cultural representation.
The issue addressed in the article is how a deal from within the Snapple Corporation can bring jobs from other countries back within American borders. It is important to discuss due to the decreasing amount of jobs in America due to major corporations usually outsourcing jobs to countries with lower work standards.
Snapple, not the corporation itself, but corporations all together are important to the job layout in our nation. Corporation like Snapple have the power to create and destroy jobs. As well as relay a financial income, insurance, etc to the companies workers. It is because they can do all of this that they have such a huge cultural stance within the international job market. With their control over the job market, they also have the power to Outsource jobs.
Culturally, people are bound to get a job, get denied from jobs, and be moved around in that job. The power of a corporation to outsource jobs is incredible. A corporation, like snapple, has the power to move jobs around the nation or outside of a nation. In countries like the United States, outsourcing has become a huge issue.
The word it self can mean many things to the reader. However, in the context of this article, it means opportunity. With the Snapple deal to bring jobs back to America, it means americans have more opportunity and that the outsourcing of American Jobs is slowly stopping as jobs will hopefully continue flowing back here.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Evaluation of Rhetorical Situations
Below I will be discussing three different articles and their takes on job outsourcing.
1. Snapple Deal To Outsource May Add Jobs In America
1. Snapple Deal To Outsource May Add Jobs In America
The author of this article is Heather Timmons. Heather is a long time writer for the New York Times. She has written over 1,500 articles for the paper. It is clear that she is in support of the return of jobs to America. She wrote how Snapple hired an Indian company that uses American employees, thus bringing back jobs. The author has a positive and supportive tone for the return of the jobs.
The audience for this piece would be Americans who are either looking for new jobs after losing them or are angry about big corporations that outsource jobs to foreign nations. This piece serves a good start for the activists in their journey to bringing back jobs to America.
The author of this piece is Samantha Lachman. By even reading the title of the article it is clear to tell that she is not in support of David Perdue has done. The piece, in her own style, has a negative and angry mood throughout. IT is clear that she is opposed to the outsourcing of jobs that the GOP clearly supports.
The audience of this piece would be the general American public. The goal of the piece is to show how big corporations with GOP ties are hurting american labor more than helping it. It's important to notice the emphasis on the GOP's ties to out sourcing throughout the piece, clearly trying to sway political an opinion
3. Obama Team Accuses GOP of Outsourcing to Manila, Pays Firm that Outsources to Manila
The author of this piece is Daniel Halper. He is a long time writer for The Weekly Standard. In his piece he is informing the general public of the high possibility that the GOP supports outsourcing jobs and taking away American jobs. This accusation came from President Obama himself. Thus this piece i meant for clear informative purposes and possible political swaying to the left.
The audience of this piece is, yet again, the general american public. It's clear purpose is to show the public what the GOP leaders truly feel when it comes to keeping/bringing back American jobs. The piece is meant to be informative and sway the american publics opinion away from the GOP.
Following their nominee's example, the RNC's calls attacking @BarackObama have apparently been outsourced to Manila: .
By looking at Hallye and Bri's "Evaluation of Rhetorical Situations" I was able to see the points of where both my formatting and context was lacking yet unique. Whereas most of them used a chart or seperation of sections, I personally combined all of the information into a single paragraph for each to keep it short and sweet. My articles, as well, I kept about a single interesting topic that I felt was able to show up in different controversies but with the same issues as the others.
Developing A Research Question
In business, there are many controversies. One that has recently made the national spotlight in almost all recent elections is the issue of the exportation of jobs. Thus, my research question will be:
Who is exporting American jobs over seas and why cant they bring them back?
Many Americans have started losing their jobs due to corporations moving jobs over to places such as India, Mexico, and China due to cheaper labor costs. However, this is all at the expense of hard working Americans losing their jobs, homes and potentially their families. Through the next project, I will be discussing the many negatives and small amount of possible positives that could come out of this process. America was built on labor and hard work, its time we figure out why we have gone away from that and why we should come back to it.
Who is exporting American jobs over seas and why cant they bring them back?
Many Americans have started losing their jobs due to corporations moving jobs over to places such as India, Mexico, and China due to cheaper labor costs. However, this is all at the expense of hard working Americans losing their jobs, homes and potentially their families. Through the next project, I will be discussing the many negatives and small amount of possible positives that could come out of this process. America was built on labor and hard work, its time we figure out why we have gone away from that and why we should come back to it.
Unknown,India outsources call center work to the Philippines |
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Reflection on Project 1
During the process of writing my Quick Reference Guide, I ran into many issues along the way. Namely, there was not a whole lot of diverse information out there to allow for a more diverse QRG. However, because of this I was able t explore various sources and easily find how credible the information was and how direct it came from the source of the information. The most effective strategy I found was using direct information/quotes from the Toshiba CEO and from the articles they were written in.
I have not had the chance to write this type of piece in the past. It is very informal compared to what I have thad to write in the past. This style f writing, although new, is much more preferable. There were no similarities to what I had used to write previously. I am not clear yet if the skills I picked up along the way of writing this would be helpful in any other course I am currently in.
As I went and read other reflections such as Hallye's, I was happy to see that I wasnt alone on certain aspects. Inclluding how this style of writing is completely new to me. It was very difficult to write in this new style but we all went through it together and came out successful. It is from here that hopefully topics like this will become easier.
I have not had the chance to write this type of piece in the past. It is very informal compared to what I have thad to write in the past. This style f writing, although new, is much more preferable. There were no similarities to what I had used to write previously. I am not clear yet if the skills I picked up along the way of writing this would be helpful in any other course I am currently in.
As I went and read other reflections such as Hallye's, I was happy to see that I wasnt alone on certain aspects. Inclluding how this style of writing is completely new to me. It was very difficult to write in this new style but we all went through it together and came out successful. It is from here that hopefully topics like this will become easier.
Project 1: The Toshiba Accounting Scandal: An Overview
The Toshiba Accounting Scandal: An Overview
Written and Edited By Evan Markovitz
Recently, it was revealed that the Toshiba corporation had been inflating quarterly profits for nearly the last five years. The scandal reached the executives of the company. Due to the seriousness of the scandal, most executives, including the CEO, Hisao Tanaka, resigned from their positions in the company.
Why Is Toshiba Important?
Toshiba is one of the biggest technology companies across the world. They are also highly respected in Japan as being a trustworthy company as well. Their company expands into four different sections: Digital Product's, Electronic Devices, Home Appliances, and Social Infrastructure. They are constantly involved in changing the lives of the public. With this scandal there is high possibility in loss of revenue and respect from the public.
Where did it originate?
The scandal started a little over five years ago. When the then quarter’s profits were lower than what was needed. The company filed a report that stated they had made more money than they really did. It is important to realize that this issue started at the top of the corporate chain. "There existed a corporate culture at Toshiba where it was impossible to go against the boss' will," the report said. It highlighted "a systematic involvement including by top management" and "a deliberate attempt to inflate the appearance of net profit."(Business Insider) This continued for years and increased after the massive earthquake in Japan in 2011. Until recently it stayed a secret, but an external investigation was conducted with regards to the company's profits. It was discovered that Toshiba had been lying for years. Jim Edwards, an editor from Business Insider ,said that “a report by independent investigators released on Monday said Toshiba had overstated its operating profit by 151.8 billion yen ($1.22 billion) over several years, roughly triple Toshiba's initial estimate. Tanaka and his predecessor, Sasaki, were aware of the overstatement of profits, it said.”
What’s the public’s reaction?
The general public, along with the company's stockholders, have become worried about the technology giant. Soon after the news broke, stock prices fell slightly and public opinion swayed away from the corporation. The worldwide technology community is worried about the future credibility of the company. As well as the new management coming in and are not quite sure if the new management, many of whom are coming from outside the company, will be a good for for the company.
Why should you, the public, care?
Much of our world is run by highly complicated technology that is created and imported from Japan, and Toshiba happens to be the biggest center for technology development in Japan. Should the company’s 140 year run in the technology industry come to an end, much of the world’s future technology could come at a slower pace and from a lesser known and trusted company.
Equipment ranging from the smallest computer chip to a household refrigerator is being produced at this moment by Toshiba. Should the company's potential new management fail to keep Toshiba in high graces with the world economy and general population, product's that we commonly use will become more scarce and higher in price due to one less seller on the market limiting the sale for those product's.
How is the company reacting to the scandal?
After the report inflation was revealed, many of the company's executives took it upon themselves to resign from the company. The list of people who resigned includes many higher ups, including the CEO of Toshiba himself. The CEO released a statement apologizing for what he and his coworkers had done to the company and for tarnishing its name. The executives who stayed have decided to hire replacements from outside the company to ensure there is no influence from the scandal and executives that left the company. Yuri Kageyama, a writer for the Huffington Post, quoted the CEO’s reaction, “Bowing deeply before flashing cameras at a news conference, CEO Hisao Tanaka kept his head lowered for nearly half a minute in a gesture meant to convey deep shame and contrition. Tanaka's predecessors, Norio Sasaki, now a vice chairman, and Atsutoshi Nishida, an adviser, also gave up their posts along with six other executives.”
Who has been discussing this?
Many news outlets have taken time to discuss the controversy, but have not shared a bias to the company one way or the other. The news outlets that have discussed this include: Business Insider, Huffington Post, and various other companies and bloggers. However, many of the bloggers who discuss this topic are often biased due to their individuality compared to the mainstream press organizations. The mainstream press, as stated earlier, refrain from sharing a bias to the company. In terms of credibility, much of the individual bloggers are not credible as sources, whereas the mainstream news outlets are nationally recognized and are very reliable.
As it currently stands, the corporation is still in good standing. There is still a lot of uncertainty around the new management. Most of the potential new hires will be coming from outside the company. Many are skeptical that due to the outside “talent” coming in, the company will change drastically, for better or for worse. It is not clear what will happen to the company. Only time will tell.
Clarity Part two
Being a writer, it is important to grow and create more clarity in your writing. Four ways you can that are by adding words to make connections more logical and complete, making the point of view consistent, making verbs consistent in mood and voice, and avoiding shifts from indirect to direct quotations.
By making connection more logical, you can find ways to open up your writing. When you leave out certain words in phrases, it can leave out huge gaps within phrases and connections. When it comes to my own writing, I consistently make sure of this so that there are no huge gaps in my writing.
Making the point of view consistent within an essay/article is of the utmost importance. Keeping a single point of view allows for an easier understanding on the writers opinion and an easier understanding of the situation. Jumping from point of view to another point of view will make making connections a whole lot more difficult.
When writing an essay, especially a QRG, it is important that verbs are used and that they are consistent in voice throughout the piece. To keep a consistent paper with full clarity, you must avoid using a shift in verb tone and voice.
Finally, quotations can make or break your paper. It is important to use them but in the right context. If you incorrectly use quotes, especially shifting from indirect to direct, you may be throwing your paper in the incorrect direction. Using a direct quote and citing the source contains much more clarity and valuable information than an indirect quote.
When looking through my essay, I found that I had consistency errors and some places where i have used one of the four points.
First in the beginning of the piece I correctly used a direct quote and didn't use an indrect quote following it:
"There existed a corporate culture at Toshiba where it was impossible to go against the boss' will," the report said. It highlighted "a systematic involvement including by top management" and "a deliberate attempt to inflate the appearance of net profit."(Business Insider)
Another example is here when I used a consistent voice and point of view to get my point across:
Much of our world is run by highly complicated technology that is created and imported from Japan, and Toshiba happens to be the biggest center for technology development in Japan. Should the company’s 140 year run in the technology industry come to an end, much of the world’s future technology could come at a slower pace and from a lesser known and trusted company.
By making connection more logical, you can find ways to open up your writing. When you leave out certain words in phrases, it can leave out huge gaps within phrases and connections. When it comes to my own writing, I consistently make sure of this so that there are no huge gaps in my writing.
Making the point of view consistent within an essay/article is of the utmost importance. Keeping a single point of view allows for an easier understanding on the writers opinion and an easier understanding of the situation. Jumping from point of view to another point of view will make making connections a whole lot more difficult.
When writing an essay, especially a QRG, it is important that verbs are used and that they are consistent in voice throughout the piece. To keep a consistent paper with full clarity, you must avoid using a shift in verb tone and voice.
Finally, quotations can make or break your paper. It is important to use them but in the right context. If you incorrectly use quotes, especially shifting from indirect to direct, you may be throwing your paper in the incorrect direction. Using a direct quote and citing the source contains much more clarity and valuable information than an indirect quote.
When looking through my essay, I found that I had consistency errors and some places where i have used one of the four points.
First in the beginning of the piece I correctly used a direct quote and didn't use an indrect quote following it:
"There existed a corporate culture at Toshiba where it was impossible to go against the boss' will," the report said. It highlighted "a systematic involvement including by top management" and "a deliberate attempt to inflate the appearance of net profit."(Business Insider)
Another example is here when I used a consistent voice and point of view to get my point across:
Much of our world is run by highly complicated technology that is created and imported from Japan, and Toshiba happens to be the biggest center for technology development in Japan. Should the company’s 140 year run in the technology industry come to an end, much of the world’s future technology could come at a slower pace and from a lesser known and trusted company.
Identifying Basic Grammar Patters
Looking through the longest paragraph in my project one essay, I was able to see that I unfortunately keep a very basic structure. It seems that I need to focus on naturally placing in more advanced functions that allow for better analyzation and easier readability by the reader. On a more positive note, I noticed that I was proficient in the use of different parts of speech and sentence structures.
Linked here is my Longest Paragraph.
Linked here is my Longest Paragraph.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Reflection on Project Draft 1
During revisions, I looked over Hallye's paper and Bri's.
- Who, specifically, is going to read this essay? Who am i trying to reach with my argument?
My QRG is meant for the economically interested population worldwide. In this piece, I am relaying information that could affect the economy in a major way. It is through this that I am trying to reach active investors to help out with the public shares.
-What are their values and expectations?
These people value the sustainment of the global economy and the upkeep of their personal take in the market.
- How much information do I need to give my audience?
For my audience, I am providing all essential information for the understanding of the situation. Should they like to go more in depth, I as well have provided links to bigger articles that go into more detail for the curious reader.
- What kind of language is suitable for this audience?
In this type of context, it is important to use a more formal syntax for the reader.
- What tone should I use with my audience? Do I consistently use this tone?
The tone that I used is a more calm and informative tone. It is important to keep a QRG unbiased and informative so that people are able to form their own opinion.
-What are formatting requirements of the assignment? Do i meet them?
The requirements are to keep it short and concise and straight to the point. My format follows tis religiously in my own personal opinion.
- What are the content requirements for the assignment?
The requirements are to give a brief overview of a certain issue/controversy. I focus my entire piece on it and how its affecting Toshiba as a whole.
-Does my draft reflect knowledge or skills gained in class to my own ideas and voice?
In my own personal opinion, I do believe I used knowledge learned in class to help myself further this draft to its current standing.
-Have I addressed any grammatical issues that my teacher highlighted in class or in my previously-graded assignments?
I have not had any grammatical errors pointed out from my professor yet. However, a fellow student did point some out and then I did address those issues.
- Who, specifically, is going to read this essay? Who am i trying to reach with my argument?
My QRG is meant for the economically interested population worldwide. In this piece, I am relaying information that could affect the economy in a major way. It is through this that I am trying to reach active investors to help out with the public shares.
-What are their values and expectations?
These people value the sustainment of the global economy and the upkeep of their personal take in the market.
- How much information do I need to give my audience?
For my audience, I am providing all essential information for the understanding of the situation. Should they like to go more in depth, I as well have provided links to bigger articles that go into more detail for the curious reader.
- What kind of language is suitable for this audience?
In this type of context, it is important to use a more formal syntax for the reader.
- What tone should I use with my audience? Do I consistently use this tone?
The tone that I used is a more calm and informative tone. It is important to keep a QRG unbiased and informative so that people are able to form their own opinion.
-What are formatting requirements of the assignment? Do i meet them?
The requirements are to keep it short and concise and straight to the point. My format follows tis religiously in my own personal opinion.
- What are the content requirements for the assignment?
The requirements are to give a brief overview of a certain issue/controversy. I focus my entire piece on it and how its affecting Toshiba as a whole.
-Does my draft reflect knowledge or skills gained in class to my own ideas and voice?
In my own personal opinion, I do believe I used knowledge learned in class to help myself further this draft to its current standing.
-Have I addressed any grammatical issues that my teacher highlighted in class or in my previously-graded assignments?
I have not had any grammatical errors pointed out from my professor yet. However, a fellow student did point some out and then I did address those issues.
Wikipedia. Typing
Paragraph Analysis
During review of my peer revisions I found that major details in my paper are not my issue, but instead is the slight breakup of flow due to small grammatical errors. I have found that I am able to get my ideas to flow onto paper as clear and concise as I need them to be. When it comes to reviewing my own paper, I cannot. I am not able to see my mistakes on paper due to the writing coming from my own head. I can maybe pick up small incoherencies in the paper but other than that I do struggle with it.
Copy of Paragraph Analysis
Copy of Paragraph Analysis
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Clarity Part 1
It is important in writing to establish clarity in the writing and thus to make sure the reader is understanding what you are saying. Below I will be discussing four topics that I find helpful in the process of keeping clarity among writing pieces.
1. Use active voice unless you have a good reason for choosing the passive.
- In writing it's important to take a more active voice as to drive the subject of the article in the manner that you, the writer, want it to flow. Personally, I agree with this statement. By being more active you are able to keep clarity in the simplest of ways. You are able to say who did what directly, rather than dancing around the subject. When being passive, you are taking a back seat to the subject, the most important part of the piece.
2. Add words needed to make comparisons logical and complete.
One of the most commonly used conventions in writing is the use of comparisons. Comparisons can make or break a paper. It is very important to keep them logical. As it comes to my writing, it is very influential and very helpful. I use comparisons to get my point across by taking my point and comparing it to another that may be easier for someone else to understand. Thus, by making the comparisons sound more logical and complete, I, the writer, would be making a more clear and concise piece for the reader to understand.
3. Avoid is when, is where, and reason ... is because constructions.
There are such things as dead words. Dead words are words that, if used in the wrong context, will kill an thought flow. Words and phrases such as is when, is where, reason, and is because are basic and will draw the reader away from the piece. I have had personal expierience with this issue. Being a typically lazy writer, I see these phrases/words as an easier way to complete my piece faster. However, i found that by avoiding them, not only did my writing style improve, it also attracted more readers and higher praise to my writing.
4. Move awkwardly placed modifiers
Being a historically awkward person, I can tell awkward writing right off the bat. Even when it comes to my own. In writing it is important to reword sentences/phrases so that they seem more coherent and more clear to the reader. When I am writing, I often have to go back and rearrange words so that they seem less incoherent and make more sense to the reader and so that they flow easier to the reader.
As I went back to peer review Hallye's paper, I found little to none mistakes. This is because every clarity convention that I discussed above was perfectly covered in her paper. "Guided tours in Pompeii are supposed to be in groups of 10 at most, and are frequently much larger." In this quote alone, there is plenty of room for error with clarity but she managed to avoid all mistakes. As I look back onto my own paper, I am able to see where I left holes and left places where I can better phrase sentences. By noticing my own mistakes through the four clarity topics, I believe that I am able to better my own paper.
1. Use active voice unless you have a good reason for choosing the passive.
- In writing it's important to take a more active voice as to drive the subject of the article in the manner that you, the writer, want it to flow. Personally, I agree with this statement. By being more active you are able to keep clarity in the simplest of ways. You are able to say who did what directly, rather than dancing around the subject. When being passive, you are taking a back seat to the subject, the most important part of the piece.
2. Add words needed to make comparisons logical and complete.
One of the most commonly used conventions in writing is the use of comparisons. Comparisons can make or break a paper. It is very important to keep them logical. As it comes to my writing, it is very influential and very helpful. I use comparisons to get my point across by taking my point and comparing it to another that may be easier for someone else to understand. Thus, by making the comparisons sound more logical and complete, I, the writer, would be making a more clear and concise piece for the reader to understand.
3. Avoid is when, is where, and reason ... is because constructions.
There are such things as dead words. Dead words are words that, if used in the wrong context, will kill an thought flow. Words and phrases such as is when, is where, reason, and is because are basic and will draw the reader away from the piece. I have had personal expierience with this issue. Being a typically lazy writer, I see these phrases/words as an easier way to complete my piece faster. However, i found that by avoiding them, not only did my writing style improve, it also attracted more readers and higher praise to my writing.
4. Move awkwardly placed modifiers
Being a historically awkward person, I can tell awkward writing right off the bat. Even when it comes to my own. In writing it is important to reword sentences/phrases so that they seem more coherent and more clear to the reader. When I am writing, I often have to go back and rearrange words so that they seem less incoherent and make more sense to the reader and so that they flow easier to the reader.
Perry, Gail, Do's and Dont's for a great annual fundraising plan |
As I went back to peer review Hallye's paper, I found little to none mistakes. This is because every clarity convention that I discussed above was perfectly covered in her paper. "Guided tours in Pompeii are supposed to be in groups of 10 at most, and are frequently much larger." In this quote alone, there is plenty of room for error with clarity but she managed to avoid all mistakes. As I look back onto my own paper, I am able to see where I left holes and left places where I can better phrase sentences. By noticing my own mistakes through the four clarity topics, I believe that I am able to better my own paper.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Thoughts on Drafting
As we have recently started drafting our first essay, it is reasonable to discuss my own thoughts on drafting. Below I will be answering questions about drafting essays.
- What parts of the book’s advice on the above bulleted topics are helpful for writing in this genre?
Personally, I found most of the information given by the book to be very helpful. To start, the book says that the thesis statement must interesting, specific and concise. These are all to attract the readers attention.
The books says that each paragraph should be written in the PIE method. The PIE in PIE method stands for Point, Illustration and Explanation. This method would allow for a quick and concise method of a getting method across to the reader. Illustrating a point for the reader would allow the reader to be able to see, in their mind, what you, the writer, is describing. In the case of QRGs, this is perfect for the reader to skim over the piece and still get all the major detail.
2. What parts of the book’s advice on these topics might not be so helpful, considering the genre you’re writing in?
I personally feel that all the listed bullets and discussed topics are al important to the development of a QRG. All each have their own inner responsibility for making the QRG clear and to the point.
Santa Clara Adult Education Home Page |
After looking at Hallye and Isaac's, I found that our posts were very similar. We all seemed to have the same opinion on formatting. We all especially liked the PIE method. Hallye and I both found the thesis statement and PIE method to be very helpful and to be very useful in the context of writing a Quick Reference Guide.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Draft of Quick Reference Guide
Below linked will be draft of quick reference guide. I am still a little unsure on the format for this project, so I do plan on having it revised many times in the coming weeks. I used QRGs as a template for my own QRG. As the weeks goes on, you will all able to see a huge change in the quality and quantity of my QRG. Linked here is my draft for QRG on the Toshiba Accounting Scandal.
Practice Quoting
Below, I will be using two direct quotes from two sources. For easier understand between direct information and second hand, I have highlighted individual information and put a legend on the bottom.
According to Soble (New York Times), ‘Senior executives were singled out for blame. The committee said it had discovered “systematic involvement, including by top management, with the goal of intentionally inflating the appearance of net profits.” Toshiba financial officials, it said, had “deliberately provided insufficient explanations to auditors, with the intention of carrying out a systematic cover-up.”’ This quote above defines the entire controversy for Toshiba. In the article, Soble, an accredited writer for the New York Times, describes the recent accounting scandal that has been going on for the last five or so years. The higher up executives were the ones to blame for this misconduct and thus all resigned. It has shattered Toshiba’s reputation in Japan and worldwide. According to Edwards, the founding editor of Business Insider (Business Insider), “A report by independent investigators released on Monday said Toshiba had overstated its operating profit by 151.8 billion yen ($1.22 billion) over several years, roughly triple Toshiba's initial estimate. Tanaka and his predecessor, Sasaki, were aware of the overstatement of profits, it said.” This piece from Business Insider shows how big this incident really is. as well, it points out how the executives of Toshiba were perfectly aware of the costs of the scandal.
This color signifies the authors credibility.
This color signifies the direct quotes from the articles
This color signifies any important info within the quote.
This color signifies my contextualization of the quotes.
According to Soble (New York Times), ‘Senior executives were singled out for blame. The committee said it had discovered “systematic involvement, including by top management, with the goal of intentionally inflating the appearance of net profits.” Toshiba financial officials, it said, had “deliberately provided insufficient explanations to auditors, with the intention of carrying out a systematic cover-up.”’ This quote above defines the entire controversy for Toshiba. In the article, Soble, an accredited writer for the New York Times, describes the recent accounting scandal that has been going on for the last five or so years. The higher up executives were the ones to blame for this misconduct and thus all resigned. It has shattered Toshiba’s reputation in Japan and worldwide. According to Edwards, the founding editor of Business Insider (Business Insider), “A report by independent investigators released on Monday said Toshiba had overstated its operating profit by 151.8 billion yen ($1.22 billion) over several years, roughly triple Toshiba's initial estimate. Tanaka and his predecessor, Sasaki, were aware of the overstatement of profits, it said.” This piece from Business Insider shows how big this incident really is. as well, it points out how the executives of Toshiba were perfectly aware of the costs of the scandal.
This color signifies the authors credibility.
This color signifies the direct quotes from the articles
This color signifies any important info within the quote.
This color signifies my contextualization of the quotes.
QRGs: The Genre
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Muldoon, Kevin. How to improve your Blog writing skills |
For this blog post, I am going to be discussing quick reference guides and their conventions. For the example I will be using the Gamergate scandal:
What do the conventions of this genre - the Quick Reference Guide - seem to be?
The conventions of this genre include the following:
- Informative titles and additional subheadings
- Short introduction that expands upon the title
- Use of cited graphics that relate to the topic
- Short paragraphs that get right to the point
- Hyperlinks to information
How are those conventions defined by the author’s formatting and design choices?
The title usually will tell you upfront what the entire article will be about. Along with that the subheadings allow for a quick reference to various useful topics. The short texts and graphics allow for the reader to find the information at an easier pace. It is more enjoyable for the reader to find the information they want at this pace.
What does the purpose of these QRGs seem to be?
A QRG is meant for giving quick and accessible information for the reader. The piece is meant for the reader to be able to find the information in a way that is laid out for the reader to get easy access to the information.
Who is the intended audience for these different QRGs? Are they all intended for similar audiences? Or different? How & why?
The intended audience for these QRGs are usually people who are either in a rush for information or who do not want to read a long drawn out article on the same topic. As well, each topic is always aimed for a different audience> Not all QRGs are meant for the same type of people. Some may be more drawn out and more in depth and some may be just for the surface information.
How do the QRGs use imagery or visuals? Why do you think they use them in this way?
QRGs use the graphics to draw the readers eye. By putting the graphics in the article the reader can get a visual perspective on the situation just as much as the written. The author uses them to further his or her point and to keep interest up for the QRGs.
These QRGs can go in many ways, but as I read my classmates take on them I found that we all nearly had the same format and same answers. My classmates Hallye, Isaac, and Victoria all shared the same form as I, just with their own various takes on it. Its good to see that other people have the same opinions and information as you to help ease any doubts. I found my information sound and reliable through looking at the other posts.
These QRGs can go in many ways, but as I read my classmates take on them I found that we all nearly had the same format and same answers. My classmates Hallye, Isaac, and Victoria all shared the same form as I, just with their own various takes on it. Its good to see that other people have the same opinions and information as you to help ease any doubts. I found my information sound and reliable through looking at the other posts.
Cluster of My Controversy
In my Cluster, I laid out both sides of the case, public perspective/media perspective and the consequences in the company. The cluster shows situations and opinions on the company.
After viewing Swati's an Hallye's blog posts, I found that my cluster is lacking in information. I plan on going back and seeing if i can find more detailed info on the situation, although there is not a whole lot out there. It was cool to see how other people formatted their cluster. Some used opposing opinions and some used different sides to the story to define it. Mine personally will require some editing.
After viewing Swati's an Hallye's blog posts, I found that my cluster is lacking in information. I plan on going back and seeing if i can find more detailed info on the situation, although there is not a whole lot out there. It was cool to see how other people formatted their cluster. Some used opposing opinions and some used different sides to the story to define it. Mine personally will require some editing.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Annotated Bibliography in APA Style
Due to a lack of sources major sources needed, There was a total number of four articles I had used to complete all of my previous posts, rather than 6. Below I will be using APA citation to list them off:
1. Soble, J. (2015, July 21). Scandal Upends Toshiba’s Lauded Reputation. New York Times. Retrieved from
The article from the New York Times about the Toshiba Accounting Scandal is meant as a informative article for the public. They want to alert the public and the Toshiba Stockholders of what has happened within one of the biggest companies in Japan. The article has no bias towards either side of a supposed argument. While reading this article, along with the other articles, I found out how the CEO has truly found a lot of disappointment in what he has done and is sorry for what he did.
2.Toshiba scandal hits the top as CEO resigns. (2015, July 21). LexisNexis Academic. Retrieved from
The purpose of this article was to show how far the extent of the Toshiba scandal went. It showed that it reached all the way up to the, now former, CEO of the company. This article, like all of them, has no bias to or from the company. It is just for clear information to the reader. Through this was where I realized how far up certain scandals can actually go within a company.
3.Toshiba CEO Quits Over Accounting Scandal. (2015, July 21). Entrepreneur. Retrieved from
The purpose of this article is to convey to the reader about the extent of the scandal. It is more informative to the reader, rather than an opinionated article trying to push public opinion. The general public can learn from this article that scandals like this are always possibly happening, and it is a general warning to all stock holders as well.
4. Edwards, J. (2015, July 21). Toshiba CEO resigns over massive accounting scandal. Business Insider. Retrieved from
This article, like the rest, is meant to show the public what has happened within the walls of the Toshiba company. It is a typical, informative article not meant to sway public opinion. IT wouldn't be in any interest for a news outlet to sway any sort of negative opinion for a technological company. In the future, this outlet may try to swing a positive spin on it so that their website is accessed easier.
5.Noguchi, Y. (2015, July 21). Toshiba CEO, Board Members Resign Amid Accounting Scandal. NPR. Retrieved from
This piece is a transcript/article from a radio discussion on the National Public Radio. Here the author/main speaker, Noguchi, is speaking with Robert Eberhart, a professor from Santa Clara University who specializes in Japanese corporate governance. In this discussion/article, they talk about the differences between how the Toshiba higher ups are reacting to the problem versus how a higher up from the United States would handle it. They discuss the social stature of them in the technologically advanced country of Japan and how they are highly respected even after this incident.
6. Byford, S. (2015, July 21). Toshiba CEO quits in $1.2 billion accounting scandal. The Verge. Retrieved from
This article describes how the hierarchy in the Japanese company was the reason for the scandal. The scandal itself was brought upon the higher ups who made the lower level workers carry out the misdeeds that would eventually lead to their own demise.
7.Kageyrama, Y. (2015, July 21). Toshiba CEO Resigns Amid Accounting Scandal. Huffington Post. Retrieved from
In the article from the Huffington Post, Kageyrama reflects on the how and why the accounting scandal came to light. They involve that the Olympus corporation as well as the 2011 earthquake that ravaged the Japanese landscape. As well, it reflects on the reactions from inside the company and from the Toshiba stockholders.
8. Kageyrama, Y. (2015, July 21). Toshiba CEO Resigns Amid Accounting Scandal. Retrieved from
This post is a list of various twitter reactions. These reactions all include a short sentence on their opinion or what article they are linking. This source primarily serves as a social media link for this topic.
Edwards, Jim. Toshiba CEO resigns over massive accounting scandal |
When going to look at other annotated bibliographies written by my peers, I was fortunate to find one written in the same style as mine. On Swati's blog post, I was able to compare my own work to hers. By doing this, I found holes in my own work that I have since gone back and changed. I thank her for showing where I went wrong so that I was able to go back and fix the mistakes. While looking for a second, non-APA, style blog I was able to find that Isaak's post very helpful. By reading his style, one that differs from my own, I was able to realize certain similarities between our two style, but as well the differences. By reviewing both of these separate writing styles, I found that it is important to realize that all of these styles have very similar qualities, but also many differing qualities as well. Although I am still lacking in two more needed sources, due to lack of social media based sources/commentary, I was able to fix my citations to the best of my abilities for you, the reader, to understand better.
Ideology in my Controversy
Below I will be answering questions about my personal take and knowledge of the controversy at hand in my recent posts.
Who is involved in the scandal/controversy?
-Those involved in this are the CEO and other higher up's of the Toshiba corporation.
Who are some of the major speakers/writers within these groups?
- The most frequently quoted person in all pieces discussed is the former CEO of Toshiba. He is often quoted with great sadness that he allowed the company to fall that low.
What kind of power do these groups/writers hold?
-The outlets that released this story have the power to shift public opinion nationwide on their opinions of Toshiba. If they had shown any bias towards or away from the company they could both increase or decrease the profits for the company.
What resources are available to each position?
-This issue is mostly written in a neutral tone. If someone was looking for a more opinionated viewpoint they could check out sites such as Fox News, MSNBC etc. to see if they had a major opinion on the subject. However, in the articles and websites I had discussed in earlier topics had no outstanding opinion on the matters. They were just there to inform the public of what is truly happening in Toshiba.
The opposing opinions on this matter would be more geared to either support of the company through the tough time or doing they're best to cut all ties to the company. There is no huge room for common middle ground on this issue. It is hard to evaluate an outstanding opinion on this topic because it is so neutrally written in almost all outlets.
Who is involved in the scandal/controversy?
-Those involved in this are the CEO and other higher up's of the Toshiba corporation.
Who are some of the major speakers/writers within these groups?
- The most frequently quoted person in all pieces discussed is the former CEO of Toshiba. He is often quoted with great sadness that he allowed the company to fall that low.
What kind of power do these groups/writers hold?
-The outlets that released this story have the power to shift public opinion nationwide on their opinions of Toshiba. If they had shown any bias towards or away from the company they could both increase or decrease the profits for the company.
What resources are available to each position?
-This issue is mostly written in a neutral tone. If someone was looking for a more opinionated viewpoint they could check out sites such as Fox News, MSNBC etc. to see if they had a major opinion on the subject. However, in the articles and websites I had discussed in earlier topics had no outstanding opinion on the matters. They were just there to inform the public of what is truly happening in Toshiba.
The opposing opinions on this matter would be more geared to either support of the company through the tough time or doing they're best to cut all ties to the company. There is no huge room for common middle ground on this issue. It is hard to evaluate an outstanding opinion on this topic because it is so neutrally written in almost all outlets.
RTE News. Toshiba CEO Resigns Over $1.2bn Accounting Scandal. |
Evaluation of Social Media Sources
When researching various social media sites for any information on the Toshiba accounting scandal, I was unable to find any social media response to the scandal. However, on Storify, I was able to find a story on the publics reaction to the scandal on the New York Times website. Thus, I will be discussing this article due to it being sourced from the reaction of the public.
Is this source credible?
- Although the purpose of this blog was to use social media, and there was none to be found commenting on this topic, it is easy to see the NY Times as a very credible source of information on this topic.
Where are they reporting from?
- This article is classified as international business, so to the extent of our knowledge we can either figure that the article was written by a Japanese Correspondent in Japan or in a New York Times station somewhere in the continental United States.
What network is this from?
- The article itself is from their own website. However, there are options to respond on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Is the content reliable?
-The New York Times is a nationally praised newspaper that has the utmost respect and public confidence. They have high credibility to the general public.
Do they update their take on the story?
- Seeing as this was last updated on July 21, 2015 (around the same time the story broke) it is very easy to think that it has not been updated on public opinion or other such facts.
What is the age of this account and are they reliable?
-The New York Times is one of the longest running papers in the United States, and over this time period they have been repeatedly accredited
as a very reliable paper.
Is this source credible?
- Although the purpose of this blog was to use social media, and there was none to be found commenting on this topic, it is easy to see the NY Times as a very credible source of information on this topic.
Where are they reporting from?
- This article is classified as international business, so to the extent of our knowledge we can either figure that the article was written by a Japanese Correspondent in Japan or in a New York Times station somewhere in the continental United States.
What network is this from?
- The article itself is from their own website. However, there are options to respond on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Is the content reliable?
-The New York Times is a nationally praised newspaper that has the utmost respect and public confidence. They have high credibility to the general public.
Do they update their take on the story?
- Seeing as this was last updated on July 21, 2015 (around the same time the story broke) it is very easy to think that it has not been updated on public opinion or other such facts.
What is the age of this account and are they reliable?
-The New York Times is one of the longest running papers in the United States, and over this time period they have been repeatedly accredited
as a very reliable paper.
Soble, Jonathan. Scandal Upends Toshiba's Lauded Reputation |
Evaluation Of Scholarly Sources
By using LexisNexis Academic search engine, I was able to find a scholarly news source about the Toshiba controversy. Just as general sources did, this articles purpose was to inform the general public and Toshiba's stockholders of what is happening in the company they invested in. It is sourced from Progressive Media-Company News. The author is not listed in this article and shall it seems remain unknown to the reader and user of this site. Just as stated above, it is intended for the general public and Toshiba's stockholders so they know if their money and stocks are at risk or not.
Progressive Digital Media |
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Evaluation Of General Sources
Online sources for information are often found to dis-credible. It is important to find credible ones and to check that whose writing the articles has little to no bias. Below I will discuss two popular sources and show how their views on the recent resignation of Toshiba CEO, Hisao Tanaka, after a major financial inflation scandal.
The first source I have chosen is from This post originated on the popular blog called Reuters. This popular business blog has reported many times in the past about other business controversies. The last time this blog was updated was on July 21, 2015. The purpose of this article is to let the public and Toshiba stockholders know of what is happening within the company and to warn them of their investments. The graphics included in this post are of Toshiba R&D Headquarters. Seeing as this article is more informative rather than debatable, it has a more neutral and informative stance.
The second source I used is from Business Insider. This post was partially accredited to Reuters as well but was also edited and written by Jim Edwards, a BI writer. It was also last updated on July 21, 2015. Just as the article from Entrepreneur, the purpose of this article is also to tell the public and stockholders of the issues at hand within Toshiba. Graphics include photos of the former Toshiba CEO and Japan Deputy Prime Minister. Business Insider also has a more neutral approach to this subject as it is also more informative than anything else.
The first source I have chosen is from This post originated on the popular blog called Reuters. This popular business blog has reported many times in the past about other business controversies. The last time this blog was updated was on July 21, 2015. The purpose of this article is to let the public and Toshiba stockholders know of what is happening within the company and to warn them of their investments. The graphics included in this post are of Toshiba R&D Headquarters. Seeing as this article is more informative rather than debatable, it has a more neutral and informative stance.
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Rueters. Toshiba CEO Quits over Accounting Scandal |
The second source I used is from Business Insider. This post was partially accredited to Reuters as well but was also edited and written by Jim Edwards, a BI writer. It was also last updated on July 21, 2015. Just as the article from Entrepreneur, the purpose of this article is also to tell the public and stockholders of the issues at hand within Toshiba. Graphics include photos of the former Toshiba CEO and Japan Deputy Prime Minister. Business Insider also has a more neutral approach to this subject as it is also more informative than anything else.
Edwards, Jim. Toshiba CEO Resigns Over Massive Accounting Scandal |
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
My discipline
Being a prospective business major, my prospective field has various conflicts on a daily basis. Below I have listed information pertaining to my personal reasons for joining business and why people such as myself, and maybe even you, are interested in it.
In a business program, especially big ones like Eller College of Management, students are taught to think from various view points of a situation so that they can see all possible routes to success. In classes such as Management Information Systems you learn how to protect yourself and others from online hackers, viruses, and other negative effects of the internet. As well, they are to be taught how to access business programs, such as Microsoft Excel.
When People leave programs such as these, they often go on to law school/graduate school, large business firms, small family owned firms, or start their own business. The reason that most go onto law school is due to the fact that many places are more willing to hire nowadays when you have a law degree/masters degree because you have more of a mastery on information that will be beneficial to the business itself.
My personal goal in business is to go into Business Management and get certificate in Sports Management. I am hugely interested into sports and would like to dedicate my career to college or professional athletics. The one of the main management companies Octagon Sports. They manage many highly skilled MLB players.
When it comes to reporting sports, the three leading companies are Bleacher Report, ESPN and CBS Sports. They all have major followings behind each sporting event. They lead on all social medias and on application downloads for all smart phones. ALl except bleacher report have their own televised sports show.
By going back and looking at my classmates takes on their fields, especially from Isaak and Michael, I was able to see different standpoints on differing majors as well as my own. Being able to see their passion for it has made me go back into my post to reevaluate the way I composed the piece to make sure I was just as clear getting my point across.
In a business program, especially big ones like Eller College of Management, students are taught to think from various view points of a situation so that they can see all possible routes to success. In classes such as Management Information Systems you learn how to protect yourself and others from online hackers, viruses, and other negative effects of the internet. As well, they are to be taught how to access business programs, such as Microsoft Excel.
When People leave programs such as these, they often go on to law school/graduate school, large business firms, small family owned firms, or start their own business. The reason that most go onto law school is due to the fact that many places are more willing to hire nowadays when you have a law degree/masters degree because you have more of a mastery on information that will be beneficial to the business itself.
My personal goal in business is to go into Business Management and get certificate in Sports Management. I am hugely interested into sports and would like to dedicate my career to college or professional athletics. The one of the main management companies Octagon Sports. They manage many highly skilled MLB players.
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Bleacher Report. Google Plus Bleacher Report Main Page |
When it comes to reporting sports, the three leading companies are Bleacher Report, ESPN and CBS Sports. They all have major followings behind each sporting event. They lead on all social medias and on application downloads for all smart phones. ALl except bleacher report have their own televised sports show.
By going back and looking at my classmates takes on their fields, especially from Isaak and Michael, I was able to see different standpoints on differing majors as well as my own. Being able to see their passion for it has made me go back into my post to reevaluate the way I composed the piece to make sure I was just as clear getting my point across.
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