Friday, October 30, 2015

My Rhetorical Action Plan

Below will be a long post answering all the questions from the above pictures.

1. Audience
The, subject of the my debate, has been a hot topic for many previous elections. Thus, it is to be assumed that my audience knows about my debate. Although, I will not refrain from discussing and detailing the topic of my debate. It is highly possible that they have predispositions. The only control I have over this is just to do my best to affect their opinions. 
The ideals held up the audience is all dependent on where they are from and how they were raised. 
The best way to attract an audience is to use both statistical evidence and quotations from major voices.  The way I would translate this is by placing a corresponding stat with a quote to help add context to the statistical evidence. 
The best visual elements I could use are using any video possible to help back up information, if this was an article. As this is a paper discussing the debate, the best way to use visual elements is to use photos of any main players in the discussion that play a major role in the debate over outsourcing, specifically David Perdue
The audience's purpose in reading this argument is to gain information and an opinion on the topic of the outsourcing of American Jobs. I am personally trying to encourage the activism for the return of what was once a primarily American job. 

2. Genre
The Function of this specific genre is to show how there are two sides to every argument and that it is important to reflect on both to create a valid opinion. It is designed to show the audience both the good and bad sides of the argument. The setting of my specific genre is the American business frontier.
The most likely type of rhetorical strategy I will implore the most is ethos. Ethos is the most effective in gaining sympathy out of the reader. It is important to see implications of what the companies around us are doing that may affect our personal lives too much.
I will use a more formal conversational style of writing to discuss this genre. This is a serious subject, thus making it more formal, but it  is also important to act like you relate to the the audience, making conversational also appropriate. 

3.Negative and Positive Responses 
Positive Reactions:
- The sway to side of the disagreement with outsourcing 
-People become more active about affect the return of jobs. 
- Politicians begin to step up their attempts to fix the american job system. 

Negative rebuttals
- economists saying that outsourcing jobs helps america more than hurts it
- by bringing back our jobs we hurt other countries, how is that morally right?
- Companies begin to speed up the outsourcing of jobs in spite of article such as the ones I am using as a source. 


  1. Good job at analyzing your audience and possible reactions and actions. However, for the genre section I would suggest actually choosing an outlet to post your opinion on. What types of sites, magazines, businesses, etc. might pick up your article and publish it? Examples would be very helpful and would allow you to refer back to this post for motivation.

  2. This is a very interesting topic. Best of luck! I agree with you about how you would go about writing it, the genre, the voice, etc. but I want to second what Chelsea said. I think you need to include a couple of examples of this sort of argument. Overall, great job though, I'm sure this will be very interesting to read when you are done. Good luck on Project 3!
